Friday, March 8, 2013

My Eagle Project (2)

Well, the person got back to me the other day. It turned out that Mr. Miller wasn't actually the receiver of the email, so I'm sure that the email was just forwarded to the appropriate person. The person that responded kinda sent a "please fill this out" email, which isn't enough to meet the requirements. So, I sent an email back, which may or may not be well received. It was worded probably more frankly than was needed, but at least I did it.

Below is my response:

Thank you for getting back to me!
I apologize for not being clear in my first email. I don't think that I gave enough information about my thoughts on the project. While I very much appreciate your help by providing the pdf document, and asking me to pick a more concentrated goal, the requirement for the Eagle Project states that the project has to not have any previous work done on it.

Which means, I cannot take an existing project, and complete it. In essence, this is what I would be doing, if I just gathered clothes or hygiene items and filled out a form.

Eagle projects are rarely just thrown together, many require months of planning.

As such, I do not think that it's necessary to limit the project to just socks/new underwear, hygiene items OR warm clothing. I have a lot of people that could potentially be involved, and I would like to impact Portland Rescue Mission in the greatest way possible. If canned food isn't a great need right now, then I could do a drive for the other aforementioned items, but I do not want to pick a small amount. 
I would really like to setup a meeting time, where we could talk this over in greater detail. Once again, please let me know which days/ times work best for you.
Thank you for understanding.

Well, the important part is that it was sent. Hopefully it's interpreted correctly.

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The misinterpretation was actually due to my silliness. Got it all sorted out now. The person just wanted me to make sure that I went through the proper channels, and filled out all the information that they need before I got started.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Too Political for Facebook

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a Sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. ...Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here'. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and Grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

-Obama, in 2006

Why oh why? Thank you, Mr. President. So much. Cogratz America, we have elected a flip flop.

Friday, March 1, 2013

My Eagle Project (1)

Well, the ball has started rolling. I think I've got a pretty decent idea for an Eagle Project. Totally possible, I think, and shouldn't need too many safety precautions.

I'm looking at doing a food and clothes drive for Portland Rescue Mission. This project would hopefully get a bunch of food, and clothes. I have yet to determine a weight goal, and I'll be talking a bit with my parents about that today. Also, today I'll be calling Portland Rescue Mission to hear what they think about it.

Seeing the info on the website, and pictures really got my heart into the project. I wasn't too sure that this was what I wanted to do, but now, I'm more certain.

Well, I've got some stuff to go do, but I'm doing it with a new energy. I've got a target, I just have to work on my aim.

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:Edit 1:
More information can be found here.

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:Edit 2:

I sent the email!

"Dear Mr. Miller

My name is Josh Carter, and I'm a 17 year old Life Scout from BSA Troop 49. As you may know, one of the requirements for Eagle is to plan, organize, and lead a service project. After thinking over different options, I decided that I would help Portland Rescue Mission by doing a large food and clothes drive. After looking at your website, I decided that adding bibles to the list would also be a great idea, and it's something that my Christian Troop could really get behind.

I would like to find a time where we could talk over a plan. What kinds of food do you need, what types of clothes are needed, etc.

If you would, send a reply including a few times when you are free to talk over this, so that I can talk with my parents and figure out a meeting time. We can meet in person, or over the phone depending on what you'd like.

I look forward to working with you!

-Josh Carter"