Who is this Josh Fellow?

A Little Bit About Me

My name is Joshua P. Carter. I live in this little place called Damascus Oregon, with my parents, my 2 younger brothers and my youngest sister. I have been home-schooled up until my senior year, where I've been taking classes at Mt. Hood Community College. I am an Eagle Scout from BSA Troop 49 and I love the outdoors, spending time with friends, playing games and just life in general.

I am a Christian, and that's a huge part of my character, and how I make my decisions. I try my best in everything, but I make no promise to be perfect. I'm there for you in time of trouble, I'm there to joke, I'm there to laugh. I aim to be someone who builds people up, and I love doing it.

Also, I'm a "good kid".

I haven't done drugs, I don't have the same struggles that a lot of guys do. I have nice different struggles. But that doesn't make me better.

I do the stuff to try to get people to like me. I sometimes feel like I'm a slave to society in this way, but if I can model a good example for others I'm not convinced that this is a bad thing.

The most important thing is that in everything done, I MUST BE MYSELF. I cannot put on a mask of someone else. So whenever you read my blog, you will find my truth. It may be rough, it may be foreign, but it's what I truly believed at the time of writing it and probably still now.

Favorite Quotations (In no particular order)
"Be excellent to each other... and party on, dudes!" - Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
"Those who live by the sword, get shot by those who don't." - Unknown
"If winning is not important commander, then why keep score?" - Worf
"Live Long, and Prosper" - Spock
"If you are going to brain-wash your brain, use good soap!" - Faith, about Adventures in Odyssey
"It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live." - Dumbledore
"Until you get comfortable with being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness." - Mandy Hale
"Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely"
"It's not our abilities that show us who we are, it is our choices." - Dumbledore

Favorite Activities
Going to non-dance parties
Eating tasty food
Performing Improv
Spending time with loved ones
Helping people
Playing games with people (Video game or otherwise)
Being the most ridiculous person in the room (This should almost be a sport.)
Working on a team for a game
Playing guitar on Rock band
Making people laugh
Sitting alone drinking tea or cocoa while writing
Learning about people

Favorite Music
I can't even say enough about music. It's a huge part of who I am, and it influences me greatly. I pick and choose what I listen to VERY carefully, but what I listen to I listen to almost non-stop. I really enjoy listening to the undertones of music and learning the meaning behind the music. I love artists that layer the music well, and weave it all together nicely. I'm not a person that understands how to play music, but I love listening to it. I so love listening to it.

I'm a fan of rock, heavy metal, 70-80's music and alternative rock. Other genres that I like well enough include: Pop-Rock, some pop, hard rock, symphonic music, musical numbers, pretty much any foreign punk, folk, electronic, 90's hip hop, and a few others I can't think of at the moment.

As you can see, I listen to quite the variety of stuff, and despite what other may think (shakes fist at Kendrick) I do listen to more than 80's rock. I really would like to meet Alice Cooper someday, and I would love to be a sound guy for a musical group sometime. We shall see.

Still interested in knowing even more about my music tastes? Go check out my music page!

Favorite Movies
Doing this by category. Otherwise, it'll be WAAAAAY too hard.

Action Movies:
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Mission Impossible 4
Pacific Rim
The Matrix
The Terminator
The Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Superhero Movies
Batman Begins
Iron Man
The Avengers
The Incredible Hulk

Family Movies
Beauty and the Beast
Iron Giant
Mary Poppins
Meet the Robinsons
Monsters Inc. & Monsters University
The Incredibles
The Jungle Book
Toy Story Trilogy

Comedy Movies
Napoleon Dynamite
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and Bogus Journey
The Court Jester

All Time Favorite Top 3 Movies
The Jungle Book
Lord of the Rings

Favorite TV Shows
Batman: TAS
Dick Van Dyke Show
Gilligan's Island
Justice League (+Unlimited)
Star Trek: Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Whose Line is it Anyway?

Favorite Books
Boy Meets Girl
Lord of the Rings
For Whom the Bell Tolls
That Hideous Strength
The Screwtape Letters
The Silmarilion
The Bondage Breaker
The Hobbit

One More Thing
I'm not crazy about rules, but I am all over standards. I hold myself to quite a few standards, and a few of them on the blog.
  1. I will not edit stuff out of old posts*
  2. I will be truthful in my posts
* The only exceptions to this rule is if I need to fix a grammar problem, or I need to change something to protect an individual.

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