Anyways, here we go!
- Don't be afraid to hurt people with gracefully told truth.
- The health of a friendship outweighs the comfort of the now.
- You can't judge your life based on your timing, you have to do it based on God's.
- Nobody is perfect. If you hold someone in high regards, it's only a matter of time before you discover that they are just as imperfect as everyone else.
- Don't expect much of others. The only one that you can expect everything from is Jesus. All others fail.
- If you see someone doing what they shouldn't, consider it a prayer request.
- No matter what the world says, every single person has been beautifully and wonderfully made.
- If you can't see that, you are not looking hard enough.
- Do not be afraid to feel.
- Anger is fine if justified.
- Don't hold on to that anger, forgive, and move on.
- Be aware of what your emotions tell you in the heat of a moment - and know that they are biased.
- Listen to what your heart tells you, then go talk to a mentor, a friend, and another mentor about it.
- Get all of the facts straight before you argue. An emotional argument is not very convincing.
- Keep water near you and drink it.
- Ask yourself, "am I really hungry?" before you eat.
- A little child will cry for awhile, but will eventually walk away from a broken toy. Be that child with life. Pray for God to fix things, but don't be afraid to make the hard choice.
- The buck stops with you. On everything.
- Find your limits of success, and push those every chance you get.
- Write out a list of strengths and praise God for those.
- Write out a list of weaknesses and pray to God for help.
- Remember to consider your trials "pure joy" as Paul did.
- You are a person of great worth.
- You are someone that God cares about.
- You are much more than a label, or past hurt, or circumstance. You are a child of the King. Nothing can change that.
Alright, there you have it. Not the most positive thing that I've written, but I am doing better now that I have been recently. I still feel like almost anything could send me spiraling out of control, but I have a better rein on things now. Still not sure about watching Toy Story 2 again though. ;)
I really like your words of wisdom here. I'm so impressed with your heart, Josh. You are a great blessing :-)